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Player Stats

List of Stats

Here you will find the current list of stats that can be found by clicking the 'Stats' button that is located on your Equipment window.

Current Target

Total Damage

The total damage output after all calculations. Buffs may not be included.

HP Regen

The percent value of your health that you regenerate. This shows the amount healed based on that percent.


The total amount of armor from all gear added together. This shows the amount of damage deducted from incoming damage. An armor amount of 500 would reduce incoming dmg by 500.


The percent value of your strength increases damage output based on your mainhand weapon. Diminishing returns begin after exceeding 100% strength and increase gradually as strength climbs. Deductions are applied as follows:

  • 0% to 100% =Full benefit
  • 101% to 200% =20% reduction
  • 201% to 300% =30% reduction
  • 301% to 400% =40% reduction
  • 401% to 500% =50% reduction
  • 501% to 600% =60% reduction
  • 601% to 700% =70% reduction
  • 701% to 800% =80% reduction
  • 801% to 900% =90% reduction
  • 901% and above = 90% reduction

Strength Example:

For a weapon with a base damage of 30:

  • Strength = 100%: Added damage = 30
  • Strength = 200%: Added damage = 54(30 dmg for the original 100% strength + 24 dmg for the next 100% strength, minus 20% deduction)
  • Strength = 300%: Added damage = 75(30 dmg for the original 100% strength + 24 dmg for the second 100% strength + 21 dmg for the final 100%))


Accuracy adds to your blue dust amount, enhancing your chance to hit targets. If you're facing a creature that requires 100 blue dust to achieve a 100% hit rate but only have 80 blue dust equipped, your accuracy stat will increase your effective blue dust.


  • Required Blue Dust for 100% Hit Rate: 100
  • Equipped Blue Dust: 80
  • Accuracy Stat: 20

With the accuracy stat, your effective blue dust for the hit check becomes:

  • Effective Blue Dust = Equipped Blue Dust + Accuracy Stat
  • Effective Blue Dust = 80 + 20 = 100

This means you can now hit the creature 100% of the time.


The percent value of your Life-Steal is based on your mainhand weapon. Diminishing returns begin after exceeding 100% and increase gradually as Life-Steal climbs. Deductions are applied as follows:

  • 0% to 100% =Full benefit
  • 101% to 200% =20% reduction
  • 201% to 300% =30% reduction
  • 301% to 400% =40% reduction
  • 401% to 500% =50% reduction
  • 501% to 600% =60% reduction
  • 601% to 700% =70% reduction
  • 701% to 800% =80% reduction
  • 801% to 900% =90% reduction
  • 901% and above = 90% reduction

Life-Steal Example:

For a weapon with a base damage of 100:

  • Life-steal = 100%: Health Recovered = 100
  • Life-steal = 200%: Health Recovered = 180(100 hp for the original 100% Life-steal + 80 hp for the next 100%)
  • Life-steal = 300%: Health Recovered = 250(100 hp for the original 100% Life-steal + 80 hp for the second 100% Life-steal + 70 hp for the final 100%))

Attack Speed

Attack Speed is measured as a percentage, starting at a base of 100%, which represents your normal attack speed. This stat indicates how quickly you can perform attacks compared to your baseline.


  • Base Attack Speed (100%): Attacks every 2 seconds
  • Attack Speed = 200%: Attacks every 1 second
  • Attack Speed = 300%: Attacks every 0.66 seconds (approximately every 2/3 of a second)

This scaling allows you to unleash attacks more frequently as your Attack Speed increases.

Move Speed

Move Speed is measured as a percentage, starting at a base of 100%, which represents your normal move speed. This stat indicates how quickly you can run compared to your baseline.

Crit Rate (Not yet applicable)

Critical Rate is measured as a percentage and determines how often your weapon's special ability can activate. A higher crit rate means your weapon's special skill will trigger more frequently. Note that exceeding 100% crit rate has no additional effect.


  • Swords: No specialty.
  • Chaos Sword: On a critical hit, damage dealt is randomly doubled or tripled.
  • Bladestaff: On a critical hit, all nearby enemies take damage.


Evasion is calculated by subtracting your Dodge level from your target's level. When the result is above 0, each level difference counts as a 10% reduction in your evasion chance. The evasion chance has a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 95%.


  • Your Dodge lvl = 100, Creature lvl = 100
    • Result:100-100 = 0
    • Evasion Chance: 95% (Maximum).
  • Your Dodge lvl = 100, Creature lvl = 101
    • Result:101-100 = 1,
    • Evasion Chance: 90%
  • Your Dodge lvl = 100, Creature lvl = 105
    • Result:105-100 = 5,
    • Evasion Chance: 50%
  • Your Dodge lvl = 100, Creature lvl = 110
    • Result:110-100 = 10
    • Evasion Chance: 5% (Minimum).

Blue Dust Rate

The Blue Dust Rate represents the total amount of blue dust combined from all your equipment. This value indicates how many hits you can make before consuming a single unit of blue dust. See Dust Rate:How it works for more information on dust rates.

Red Dust Rate

The Red Dust Rate represents the total amount of red dust combined from all your equipment. This value indicates how many hits you can make before consuming a single unit of red dust. See Dust Rate:How it works for more information on dust rates.

White Dust Rate

The White Dust Rate represents the total amount of white dust combined from all your equipment. This value indicates how many hits you can make before consuming a single unit of white dust. See Dust Rate:How it works for more information on dust rates.

Gold Dust Rate

The Gold Dust Rate represents the total amount of gold dust combined from all your equipment. This value indicates how many hits you can make before consuming a single unit of gold dust. See Dust Rate:How it works for more information on dust rates.

Silver Dust Rate

The Silver Dust Rate represents the total amount of silver dust combined from all your equipment. This value indicates how many hits you can make before consuming a single unit of silver dust. See Dust Rate:How it works for more information on dust rates.

Dust Effect Penetration

Dust Effect Penetration (DEP) represents the level of creatures to which you can fully apply your dust effect debuffs. If a creature is level 250 and your DEP is 200, the creature's Dust Effect Resistance will be 50%, reducing your debuffs' effectiveness by half, resulting in only half the amount of debuff time added per hit.


  • Creature lvl=250, your DEP=200, with 500 white dust equipped=5 seconds debuff blind.
  • Resulting Debuff Time = 5 seconds - (50% of 5 seconds)
  • Final result = 2.5 seconds.

This means each hit will apply a 2.5-second debuff. See Resistance:How it works for more information on creature resistance.

Red Dust Time

Red Dust Time (RDT) indicates the duration of the 'Slow' debuff applied to your target. It scales with the amount of red dust you have equipped. See List of Dust Effects for more information on dust effects.

White Dust Time

White Dust Time (WDT) indicates the duration of the 'Blind' debuff applied to your target. It scales with the amount of white dust you have equipped. See List of Dust Effects for more information on dust effects.

Gold Dust Amount

Gold Dust Amount (GDA) indicates the amount of points for the 'Loot' buff applied to your target. It scales with the amount of gold dust you have equipped. See List of Dust Effects for more information on dust effects.

Dust Effect Resistance

Dust Effect Resistance (DER) represents a creature's ability to resist dust effect debuffs, such as Slow or Blind. If a creature has 100% DER, dust-based debuffs will be completely nullified due to its perfect resistance. See Resistance:How it works for more information on creature resistance.

Calculated Red Dust Time

CRDT represents the amount of time added per hit for Red Dust Time, after Dust Effect Resistance has been calculated.

Calculated White Dust Time

CWDT represents the amount of time added per hit for White Dust Time, after Dust Effect Resistance has been calculated.

Calculated Gold Dust Amount

CGDT represents the amount of points added per hit for Gold Dust Amount, after Dust Effect Resistance has been calculated.

stats.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/29 04:28 by jazzman170

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